This video, an accompanying event to TGUWWS, features the following guests who speak about their environmental passions, concerns and calls to action:
- Poet/Indigenous Activist – Loa Niumeitolu, queer Tongan poet, activist and community organizer, Loa Niumeitolu
- Atmospheric Science – Ann Marie Carleton, Associate Professor, Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry, UC Irvine
- Computer Scientist/Animator – Jonali Bhattacharyya, Educator | Game Animator | Computer Graphics Professional
- Singer/Musician/Composer – Ruby Mountain, singer-composer-performer
Environmentally Sound from Celine Wallace on Vimeo.
Environmentally Sound was intended to be a live performance and panel. Due to Covd-19, we reimagined it as an online experience. I recorded Zoom interviews in May and June with four women working in indigenous rights, atmospheric science, computer science and poetry. I would characterize these interviews as fascinating conversations. Each special guest responded to the GUWWS exhibit’s artwork as well as spoke to their passions, interests and concerns about our planet. This was an amazing experience that I am delighted to finally share with you. Our Computer Science/Animation guest jumped into the deep end and worked with her 12 year old daughter to create the animated short on the right for Environmentally Sound.
Pivoting our exhibition and associated events has been an unintended, but deeply meaningful journey. I’m looking forward to facilitating NCWCA’s all-member exhibition next May - June. In these unpredictable times, who knows what the new normal will be? However, I now know we can make this journey together. I would also like to express my deepest gratitude for Celine Wallace, who worked tirelessly to edit this video into its final form. Elizabeth Addison December, 2020 |