Board President, Board Vice President, Board Treasurer, Board Secretary
Job Summary: As an officer of the Board, the President presides over all board meetings; ensures that resolutions of the Board are carried out; and represents the NCWCA organization to the external community.
Term: Two years from July 1 to June 30 elected by the Board of Directors and NCWCA chapter members present at the June Board meeting. The President shall not serve more than three consecutive terms. In the situation of an unexpected vacancy or otherwise incapacity of the elected President, the Board of Directors may appoint an interim President to fill the vacancy until the next regular nomination period and June election.
Reports to: Board of Directors
Works with: Board of Directors, local membership and the National and Regional WCA
1. Advances the purpose and mission of NCWCA to women’s organizations, the art community and general community.
2. Presides over board meetings:
2.1 Develops agenda items through review of projects in process, unfinished business, soliciting other Board Members, and the general membership.
2.2 Works with the Secretary to prioritize agenda items ten days prior to the meeting and ensures that the agenda is sent out seven days prior to the meeting.
2.3 Works with the Secretary to make sure Board Reports and Minutes are distributed prior to the meeting
2.4 Facilitates board meetings, conducted in accordance with the NCWCA by-laws and modified Robert's Rules of Order:
2.4.1 Follows the agenda as developed
2.4.2 Manages productive discussion
2.4.3 Allows Board members to make a motion followed by a second
2.4.4 Ensures that the Secretary has recorded the wording of the motion
2.4.5 Requests yes, no and abstentions for all votes taken.
3. Directs the strategic direction of the organization.
3.1 Each January, manages the annual board retreat to review goals of the prior year and sets goals for the new year, keeping in mind the organization’s strategic direction.
3.2 Every 3-5 years, reviews long term strategic direction and if goals have been met or the organization’s direction has shifted, establishes new long term strategic goals.
4. Works with the Board of Directors to ensure committee work is done on time and in keeping with the goals of NCWCA.
5. Ensures that the resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried out.
6. Ensures that the successor President is trained to take over their position with minimal disruption.
7. Communicates to the NCWCA membership vacant and expiring Board of Director positions, posts position job descriptions and responsibilities, and collects nominations during the nomination period from May 1 through May 30.
8. Confirms that non-profit incorporation reports, Federal, State tax and tax reporting forms are filed properly in a timely manner.
9. Signs all contracts for NCWCA, has check signing and other monetary transaction privileges.
10. Consults with the Treasurer on a monthly basis to double check bank activity.
Skills and Abilities
Term: Two years from July 1 to June 30 elected by the Board of Directors and NCWCA chapter members present at the June Board meeting. The President shall not serve more than three consecutive terms. In the situation of an unexpected vacancy or otherwise incapacity of the elected President, the Board of Directors may appoint an interim President to fill the vacancy until the next regular nomination period and June election.
Reports to: Board of Directors
Works with: Board of Directors, local membership and the National and Regional WCA
1. Advances the purpose and mission of NCWCA to women’s organizations, the art community and general community.
2. Presides over board meetings:
2.1 Develops agenda items through review of projects in process, unfinished business, soliciting other Board Members, and the general membership.
2.2 Works with the Secretary to prioritize agenda items ten days prior to the meeting and ensures that the agenda is sent out seven days prior to the meeting.
2.3 Works with the Secretary to make sure Board Reports and Minutes are distributed prior to the meeting
2.4 Facilitates board meetings, conducted in accordance with the NCWCA by-laws and modified Robert's Rules of Order:
2.4.1 Follows the agenda as developed
2.4.2 Manages productive discussion
2.4.3 Allows Board members to make a motion followed by a second
2.4.4 Ensures that the Secretary has recorded the wording of the motion
2.4.5 Requests yes, no and abstentions for all votes taken.
3. Directs the strategic direction of the organization.
3.1 Each January, manages the annual board retreat to review goals of the prior year and sets goals for the new year, keeping in mind the organization’s strategic direction.
3.2 Every 3-5 years, reviews long term strategic direction and if goals have been met or the organization’s direction has shifted, establishes new long term strategic goals.
4. Works with the Board of Directors to ensure committee work is done on time and in keeping with the goals of NCWCA.
5. Ensures that the resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried out.
6. Ensures that the successor President is trained to take over their position with minimal disruption.
7. Communicates to the NCWCA membership vacant and expiring Board of Director positions, posts position job descriptions and responsibilities, and collects nominations during the nomination period from May 1 through May 30.
8. Confirms that non-profit incorporation reports, Federal, State tax and tax reporting forms are filed properly in a timely manner.
9. Signs all contracts for NCWCA, has check signing and other monetary transaction privileges.
10. Consults with the Treasurer on a monthly basis to double check bank activity.
Skills and Abilities
- Demonstrated leadership and management ability and experience
- Strategic planning skills, ability to evaluate challenges and opportunities and apply sound judgment
- Collaborative and team building skills
- Ability to achieve results and accomplishments through collaboration with others, and
- to assume accountability for decisions and actions taken by members of the organization
- Strong and effective verbal and written communication, networking, and interpersonal skills
- Ability to build on established partnerships and collaborations
- Ability to manage differing opinions and difficult situations and make sound decisions
- Fiscal literacy, including experience creating and managing a budget, and basic familiarity with bank statements and protocols.
- Experience serving on a non-profit Board
Job Summary: The Vice President shall assist in the duties of the President and shall be available to undertake other responsibilities delegated by the President
Term: Two years from July 1 to June 30 elected by the Board of Directors and NCWCA chapter members present at the June Board meeting. The President shall not serve more than three consecutive terms. In the situation of an unexpected vacancy or otherwise incapacity of the elected President, the Board of Directors may appoint an interim President to fill the vacancy until the next regular nomination period and June election
Reports to: The President and the Board of Directors
Works with: All Board members and the membership at large
1. Assumes the duties of the President at any time the President is either absent from a Board of Directors meeting or is otherwise prevented from fulfilling her presidential duties on behalf of NCWCA
2. Coordinates with the President and the Board Secretary to develop the agenda for Board of Director meetings.
3. Takes on responsibilities and carries out tasks delegated by the President.
4. Works with Board Secretary and Communication Chair to ensure that all announcements are sent on a timely basis.
Term: Two years from July 1 to June 30 elected by the Board of Directors and NCWCA chapter members present at the June Board meeting. The President shall not serve more than three consecutive terms. In the situation of an unexpected vacancy or otherwise incapacity of the elected President, the Board of Directors may appoint an interim President to fill the vacancy until the next regular nomination period and June election
Reports to: The President and the Board of Directors
Works with: All Board members and the membership at large
1. Assumes the duties of the President at any time the President is either absent from a Board of Directors meeting or is otherwise prevented from fulfilling her presidential duties on behalf of NCWCA
2. Coordinates with the President and the Board Secretary to develop the agenda for Board of Director meetings.
3. Takes on responsibilities and carries out tasks delegated by the President.
4. Works with Board Secretary and Communication Chair to ensure that all announcements are sent on a timely basis.
Job Summary: As an officer of the Board, the Treasurer handles all financial accounts of NCWCA, including prompt and accurate accounting of all income and disbursements, and preparation of the annual financial report. The Treasurer ensures that all applicable Federal and State taxes and tax reporting and regulatory reports are complete and that all applicable documentation and reports for 501(c)(3) status are filed on time.
Term: 2 years from July1 to June 30 elected by the Board of Directors and NCWCA chapter members present at the June meeting and shall not exceed three consecutive terms. In the situation of an unexpected vacancy or otherwise incapacity of the elected Treasurer, the Board of Directors may appoint an interim Treasurer to fill the vacancy until the next regular nomination period and June election. The tenure of the incumbent can be extended by a vote of the Board of Directors.
Reports To: The President and the Board of Directors
Works With: The President, Membership Chair, Exhibition Chair, Secretary, Board of Directors and the NCWCA membership at large
1. Collects and deposits funds into NCWCA bank account.
2. Writes checks or handles electronic disbursements for board approved expenses and signs checks in accordance with the by-laws.
3. Ensures that orders for payment and other evidence of indebtedness are not split or otherwise manipulated to fall below the $1000.00 threshold for review and approval.
4. Ensures Bank reconciliation records and expenditure statements will be verified and maintained and will be made readily available for access by the Board of Directors upon request.
5. Works with the Board Secretary to ensure that the fiscal year end and quarterly financial statements and government filings are archived properly in a permanent and readily accessible location.
6. Prepares quarterly reports of all income and expenses of NCWCA for the Board of Directors. Each quarterly report will show that period and year to date income and disbursements and will be distributed within ten days of the end of the calendar year quarter.
7. Reads the income and expense report at the each board meeting that follows the end of a fiscal quarter.
8. Prepares NCWCA annual financial report.
9. Ensures taxes and fees are paid on time
10. Ensures that all applicable federal, state tax and tax reporting forms as well as any other documents relating to the financial status of the organization are completed accurately and filed in a timely manner and before deadlines.
11. Prepares the year to date and year over year financial reports as requested by the President and Board of Directors.
Skills and Abilities
● Ability to create, download and/or format excel and csv files and comfortable learning accounting system such as Quickbooks
● Basic knowledge of databases (will be trained to use Memberthingy)
● Excellent written and verbal communication skills
● Basic working knowledge of accounting principles and book keeping
● Understanding of financial reports and how to interpret
● Able to complete online tax filings and regulatory reports (currently, only the Attorney General forms are completed in hardcopy.)
[1] 2022: Current financial filings
IRS: Form 990N
CA Franchise Tax Board: Form 199N
CA Attorney General Registry of Charitable Trusts RRF1 and CTTR1 Treasurer’s Report
CA Secretary of State: Statement of Information, required every two years, to be completed with the Secretary.
CA Department of Tax and Fee Administration: Sales Tax
Term: 2 years from July1 to June 30 elected by the Board of Directors and NCWCA chapter members present at the June meeting and shall not exceed three consecutive terms. In the situation of an unexpected vacancy or otherwise incapacity of the elected Treasurer, the Board of Directors may appoint an interim Treasurer to fill the vacancy until the next regular nomination period and June election. The tenure of the incumbent can be extended by a vote of the Board of Directors.
Reports To: The President and the Board of Directors
Works With: The President, Membership Chair, Exhibition Chair, Secretary, Board of Directors and the NCWCA membership at large
1. Collects and deposits funds into NCWCA bank account.
2. Writes checks or handles electronic disbursements for board approved expenses and signs checks in accordance with the by-laws.
3. Ensures that orders for payment and other evidence of indebtedness are not split or otherwise manipulated to fall below the $1000.00 threshold for review and approval.
4. Ensures Bank reconciliation records and expenditure statements will be verified and maintained and will be made readily available for access by the Board of Directors upon request.
5. Works with the Board Secretary to ensure that the fiscal year end and quarterly financial statements and government filings are archived properly in a permanent and readily accessible location.
6. Prepares quarterly reports of all income and expenses of NCWCA for the Board of Directors. Each quarterly report will show that period and year to date income and disbursements and will be distributed within ten days of the end of the calendar year quarter.
7. Reads the income and expense report at the each board meeting that follows the end of a fiscal quarter.
8. Prepares NCWCA annual financial report.
9. Ensures taxes and fees are paid on time
10. Ensures that all applicable federal, state tax and tax reporting forms as well as any other documents relating to the financial status of the organization are completed accurately and filed in a timely manner and before deadlines.
11. Prepares the year to date and year over year financial reports as requested by the President and Board of Directors.
Skills and Abilities
● Ability to create, download and/or format excel and csv files and comfortable learning accounting system such as Quickbooks
● Basic knowledge of databases (will be trained to use Memberthingy)
● Excellent written and verbal communication skills
● Basic working knowledge of accounting principles and book keeping
● Understanding of financial reports and how to interpret
● Able to complete online tax filings and regulatory reports (currently, only the Attorney General forms are completed in hardcopy.)
[1] 2022: Current financial filings
IRS: Form 990N
CA Franchise Tax Board: Form 199N
CA Attorney General Registry of Charitable Trusts RRF1 and CTTR1 Treasurer’s Report
CA Secretary of State: Statement of Information, required every two years, to be completed with the Secretary.
CA Department of Tax and Fee Administration: Sales Tax
Job Summary: As an officer of the Board, the Secretary works with the President to establish and prioritize the agenda for each Board of Directors meeting, then records minutes of all meetings and ensures that minutes are maintained and placed in archives. The Secretary works with the Treasurer to ensure that all non-profit incorporation reports, forms, documents, and fees are filed on time and appropriately archived.
Term: Two years from July 1 to June 30 elected by the Board of Directors and NCWCA chapter members present at the June Board meeting. The Secretary shall not serve more than three consecutive terms. In the situation of an unexpected vacancy or otherwise incapacity of the elected Secretary, the Board of Directors may appoint an interim Secretary to fill the vacancy until the next regular nomination period and June election.
Reports to: The President and the Board of Directors
Works with: The President, the Treasurer, Board of Directors and the membership at large
1. Works with the President to establish and prioritize the agenda for each Board of Directors meeting and records minutes of all meetings.
2. Requests agenda items from the Board and distributes the agenda and prior month’s minutes at least two weeks before the board meeting.
3. Ensures the draft minutes are made available to all members of the Board of Directors within fourteen days after board meetings and requests edits before finalizing.
4. Ensures that board reports are distributed to the board prior to the board meetings.
5. Ensures that actions taken by the Board of Directors outside of a chapter meeting are approved by the entire Board of Directors with their consent in writing or email, and such consents are archived with the minutes of the corresponding meeting at which the action has been finalized.
6. Archives, either in hard copy or electronically, the historical and current minutes for the chapter, board reports and proposals, and ensures that any and all archived documents are made available to any Board and NCWCA member requesting a review of past minutes.
7. Maintains the records of all official NCWCA nonprofit documents and correspondence including but not limited to IRC 501(c)(3) favorable determination, Articles of Incorporation, and bylaws.
8. Announces each Board of Director meeting, publishes and distributes the agenda for the Board members and NCWCA membership.
9. Working with the Treasurer, archives, either in hard copy or electronically, all Treasurer filed regulatory reports, tax returns, non-profit incorporation reports and fees, and receipts.
10. Ensures that the NCWCA calendar on the NCWCA website: is updated in a timely manner.
11. Ensures that the names of all the active members of the Board of Directors are updated and made available annually on the NCWCA website and archived appropriately.
Skills and Abilities
● Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
● Ability to complete tasks accurately and on time.
● Effective verbal and written communication skills.
● Strong communication, teamwork, and interpersonal skills
Term: Two years from July 1 to June 30 elected by the Board of Directors and NCWCA chapter members present at the June Board meeting. The Secretary shall not serve more than three consecutive terms. In the situation of an unexpected vacancy or otherwise incapacity of the elected Secretary, the Board of Directors may appoint an interim Secretary to fill the vacancy until the next regular nomination period and June election.
Reports to: The President and the Board of Directors
Works with: The President, the Treasurer, Board of Directors and the membership at large
1. Works with the President to establish and prioritize the agenda for each Board of Directors meeting and records minutes of all meetings.
2. Requests agenda items from the Board and distributes the agenda and prior month’s minutes at least two weeks before the board meeting.
3. Ensures the draft minutes are made available to all members of the Board of Directors within fourteen days after board meetings and requests edits before finalizing.
4. Ensures that board reports are distributed to the board prior to the board meetings.
5. Ensures that actions taken by the Board of Directors outside of a chapter meeting are approved by the entire Board of Directors with their consent in writing or email, and such consents are archived with the minutes of the corresponding meeting at which the action has been finalized.
6. Archives, either in hard copy or electronically, the historical and current minutes for the chapter, board reports and proposals, and ensures that any and all archived documents are made available to any Board and NCWCA member requesting a review of past minutes.
7. Maintains the records of all official NCWCA nonprofit documents and correspondence including but not limited to IRC 501(c)(3) favorable determination, Articles of Incorporation, and bylaws.
8. Announces each Board of Director meeting, publishes and distributes the agenda for the Board members and NCWCA membership.
9. Working with the Treasurer, archives, either in hard copy or electronically, all Treasurer filed regulatory reports, tax returns, non-profit incorporation reports and fees, and receipts.
10. Ensures that the NCWCA calendar on the NCWCA website: is updated in a timely manner.
11. Ensures that the names of all the active members of the Board of Directors are updated and made available annually on the NCWCA website and archived appropriately.
Skills and Abilities
● Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
● Ability to complete tasks accurately and on time.
● Effective verbal and written communication skills.
● Strong communication, teamwork, and interpersonal skills